Erebuni Yerevan 2800 celebration


Yerevan, a city that is older than Rome, is celebrating its 2800th birthday this year, in 2018. While Armenia is prospering, the organization of Erebuni Yerevan 2800 festival is going to be on the highest level.

Erebuni town-fortress Yerevan

The history of Yerevan goes back to the ancient times, to the 8th century BC, when Erebuni fortress was founded in 782 BC by king Argishti I. Yerevan (soon Erebuni as renamed Yerevan) became the capital of Armenia after World War I.

Erebuni Yerevan 2750

In 1968 Erebuni Yerevan 2750 festival was celebrated for the first time. The most interesting part of the festival were the stamps of “Erebuni” and “David of Sasun”, colourful souvenirs, greeting cards “Yerevan is 2750”, dances and songs.

Yerevan 2800 celebration

In 2018 on October 20-21 Yerevan is going to celebrate its 2800th anniversary. The city which was the centre of the Velvet Revolution in Armenia is going to host many guests and tourists from all over the world. The show is going to be unforgettable.

Yerevan birthday 2018

The birthday of one of the oldest cities in the world is going to be held in every part of Yerevan but as always the centre is under the close attention of the event makers.

Yerevan 2800 logo winner

In 15.12.2017 Yerevan Municipality announced an annual competition among the artists who want to create Yerevan 2800 logo. This year, in 2018 the winners are works by “Teryan” cultural centre and “Factory” company.

Yerevan 2800 anniversary program [updating]

Yerevan 2800 celebration is going to be a great event both for Armenians and tourists, as there are going to be a number of events. Last year, in 2017 there were a number of concerts, competitions, games, performances everywhere. This year the details about the program are not still available.

Make sure to visit Armenia in September especially, to be a part of Erebuni Yerevan 2800 celebration.

Gardman Tour, 13.07.2018