Top list of popular monuments in Armenia

Every day we pass by a wide variety of monuments and statues, glancing over them with an indifferent look.

And if the monuments themselves could see us, what kind of picture would appear to their eyes? Travel to Armenia with Gardman Tour and you will see the most popular monuments in Armenia.

Statue of Hayk the Great in Yerevan

The statue of Hayk Nahapet is one of the most popular monuments in Yerevan. It is located in the district of Nor Nork.

Hayk is one of the key characters in Armenian history. According to biblical traditions, the great-grandson of Noah, Torgom shared all his possessions between his sons and one of them, Hayk inherited Armenia. Thus, Hayk became the first king and the ancestor of Armenians, and according to another legend, he is also one of the Babylonian ancestors, since he took part in the construction of the Tower of Babel.

The statue is made of hardened copper and rises 3.5 meters above the pedestal, in 1970 it was installed next to the Moscow cinema, and 5 years later it was moved to the Nor Nork district, where it still stands today. 

Mother Armenia Statue

Armenians fought for centuries, millions of heroes died for the independence of their homeland. Among the brave Armenian soldiers, women also fought along with men. The “Mother Armenia” memorial complex, which was opened in Victory Park in 1967, is dedicated to them.
The height of the monument is 54 meters.

On the statue is a woman who holds a sword in both hands. Her prototype was the 17-year-old girl Evgenia Muradyan, whom the sculptor Ara Harutyunyan saw in the store and persuaded him to pose for a sculpture.

At the base of the monument is a museum of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, dedicated to the Great Patriotic and Karabakh Wars. Due to the high location and height of the monument itself, it can be seen from almost anywhere in the city.

Monument to Vardan Mamikonyan 

The monument to the national hero, commander Vardan Mamikonyan was erected in 1975 in the Ring Boulevard. Vardan Mamikonyan was the leader of the uprising against the Iranian Sassanids, who tried to impose a Zoroastrian religion on the Armenians. Despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, in the Battle of Avarayr, the Armenians inflicted huge damage on him and defended the right to remain Christians.

Unique statues of Cascade

Cascade is considered one of the most beautiful places in the Pink City. There are many sculptures from the exhibitions of the complex, representing the world the best of Armenian art and the world collection of contemporary art.

Today, some interesting contemporary works by the famous sculptor and artist from South America Fernando Botero have already been installed on the Cascade (“Black Cat”).

The external design of the Grand Cascade reflects the ancient history of Yerevan. Decorations of fountains and various statues and obelisks contain ornaments that belonged to the ancient state of Urartu.

Unusual and original architectural solutions were applied to the Cascade, which was included in the Gafeschyan Arts Center, for example, waterfalls from pipes, forming various patterns of traditional symbols of Armenia.

Monument to William Saroyan

The monument to William Saroyan is a beautiful bronze statue erected in the very center of Yerevan and depicting the famous writer of Armenian origin William Saroyan. The monument looks very aesthetically pleasing, invariably attracting the views of tourists and passers-by.

The monument to William Saroyan was erected in December 2008 in honor of the centenary of the writer. Saroyan is depicted standing upright, and his clothes seem to be fluttering in the wind.

In general, the monument to William Saroyan is a magnificent decoration of the street landscape of Yerevan, and among tourists, it is considered a popular city attraction. Near the monument, you can always see fresh flowers left by fans of the great writer.

As you see Yerevan is full of very beautiful and historical monuments. Join Gardman Tour and have the opportunity to explore Armenia!