Aragats mountain, one of amazing tourist spots, is located in Aragatsotn district. It is the highest mountain of Armenia and the forth of Armenian highland. It has 4 peaks, he highest of them is the Northern (4090m), in the second place is the North-Western (4080m), then the Eastern (3916m) comes and the last one is the Southern (3879m). The length of foot outline is 200km. There is a crater (length - 3 km, depth - 350m). The origin of the name is connected with the name of armenian king Ara Geghetsik (Ara Handsome).
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
The mountain Araler is situated in Kotayk region, between Hrazdan and Kasagh rivers. Its height is 2577m. According to legend, mountain was called by the name of Armenian King Ara Geghetsik (Handsome), who faught against Assyrian queen Shamiram and fell in battle. According to legend, the mountain Araler, is the body of Ara king
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
Ararat, one of amazing tourist sights, is a volcanic mountain, it is the highest mountain of Armenian highland (5165m). It consists of 2: Masis (5165m) and Sis (3925m). Masis is the highest peak in the world by relative altitude (4300m). During the flood, Noah's Ark shelter on this top. Ararat was a hunting place for Armenian Kings. Despite of that Ararat is outside of Armenian borders, it still stays as a symbol and source of inspiration for armenians.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
Azokh cave, one of great tourist spots, is located in the middle of Azokh and Drakhtik villages in Hadrut district in Artsakh.
It is one of the oldest settlements in Caucases.
It serves as a place where Artsakh's golds were placed during mongol-tatar invasions. Here are found stone tools, whose age is more than 700 000 years.
The largest hall is 3,000 square meters in area.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
Canyon of Garni, one of the most beautiful tourist sights, stretches along the river Azat (Garni) and Goght (tributary of Azat). It is famous for its beautiful, from the bottom to the top of the canyon, and is called "Symphony of Stone".
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
Devil’s bridge, one of the amazing tourist spots is located on Vorotan River near Tatev village in Syunik district. The bridge consists of travertine and has natural origin. Its length is about 30m, width 50-60m.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours.
Geghama mountain chain is located on the west from Lake Sevan. The highest summits of the chain are Big Ajdahak (3598m), Spitakasar (3555m), Geghasar (3443m), Aknasar (3258m) and Sevkatar (3225m). And notable lakes are Vanki Lake, Akna Lake, Vishapalich and so on. The temperature at peak is -2°: Also there are several historical monuments preserved in Gegham chain, for example dragonstones, petroglyphs and others.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours in Armenia.
Lake Gosh, one of the amazing tourist spots, is situated in Tavush district, near Gosh village. The length of the lake is 100 m. and the width is 80 m., the maximum depth is 8 m. In the summer, the water temperature is only 14 ° C.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours in Armenia.
Hatis Mountain is located in Kotayk district, and the height of mountain is 2528 m. The name Hatis came from a pagan god Attis. The mountain also is called Shamiram, in honor queen Shamiram, who disposed her troops on the slopes of Hatis for the battle against Ara.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours in Armenia.
Jermajur, one of the great tourist sights, is located on the bank of the Tartar river in Artsakh. Natural warm water which comes from underground. Its temperature is 60 °C independently from the seasons of the year. The water is mineral and has medicinal properties.
Look also: tourist spots of Armenia and adventure tours in Armenia.